Olemme avoinna vain ajanvarauksella, 


045 8748275

19.2. alkaen normaalisti 10.00-17.00 

Verkkokauppa toimii normaalisti!


Delivery Methods


We use Finnish postal service company Posti or UPS for delivering orders. Postage to Finland is included in the delivery costs. It is also possible for you to pick up your order free of charge from our shop in Lappeenranta (Finland). For more details on our opening hours and address, please see our Info Page 

If you would like to have a different delivery method, please let us know.

We accept orders directly trough the web store from Finland, Japan, USA, Canada, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Poland, France, Slovakia and UK. 

If you want delivery to a country other than the above-mentioned, Please contact us

Delivery times

We aim to pack and deliver the orders to Posti within few working days, after the payment has arrived. Posti will carry out the delivery according to its service conditions.

This is how you order the products:

Those marked with an asterisk must be filled in

1. Lisää koriin [ Add to Basket ]
2. Tilaa tuotteet [ order products ]
3. Asiakas tiedot, [ customer information]
*Sähköposti = e-mail
*Etunimi = first name
*Sukunimi = last name
*Postiosoite = mailing address
*Postinumero = ZIP code
*Postitoimipaikka = Postal district
*Maa = which country
*Puhelin = telephone number
Yritys = Company
Y-tunnus = company ID

4. VALITSE TOIMITUSTAPA [ Choose a delivery method ]

* Nouto myymälästä = Click pick up from the store 0€

If the order has to be sent, I will invoice the postage separately.You should ask about the postage costs before ordering, the prices vary a lot depending on the country.

5. Valitse maksutapa [ choose payment method]

Paytrail = visa, etc. card payments.
PDF lasku = invoice to your email. or [ You can also pay by PayPal, the total amount of the invoice +5% ] PayPal= janne@gallerytarvainen.fi

6: Lisätietoja = More information [ If you want to add information, etc.]

7. * Toimitusehdot = Terms of delivery Click!
8. Everything is ready, click TILAA

Examples of shipping costs from prices:

Japan 50€--
Holland: 25€--
Denmark: 25€--
Germany: 25€--
USA: 50€--


Postikulut suomeen sisältyy toimituskuluihin.

Suomen ulkopuolelle postikulut aina tilaus kohtaisesti. 

Kysy postikulujen hintaa ulkomaille ennen tilausta!

Ostoskoriin käytetyt lahjakortit